Event Schedule


Monday (April 7th, 2025)

Grannie Basketball Game (Oakdale Broncos vs OSC Cowboys

  • Start Time: 6:30 PM
  • Location:  Oakdale Junior High School Gym

The infamous Oakdale Broncos (Grannies) will play against the Cowboys.  Donations in lieu of tickets will be collected, which will go towards the Oakdale Enrichment Society.

Tuesday (April 8th)


Start Time: 7 pm (Signups 5:30-6:30PM)

First to pay, Last to rope.   CASH ONLY

Location:  Oakdale Saddle Club Rodeo Grounds, 1624 E. F Street, Oakdale, CA

Price to Rope: $50 / man

Roping starts at 7:00pm

Spectators: FREE admission

This event, sponsored by Campfire Meats, features amateur ropers who live within 50 miles of Oakdale.  No PRCA card within the last 5 years.

The winners receive a cash prize and a new belt buckle, but the real prize for the winners is the bragging rights.

Thursday (April 10th)

Queen Coronation

Start Time: 6 PM, during the Cowboy Museum Mixer (5 PM - 7 PM)

Location:   Oakdale Cowboy Museum;  355 East F Street, Oakdale

Price of Admission:  FREE

Witness the crowning of our rodeo’s new royalty at the Oakdale Chamber of Commerce mixer.  These  young women will compete in competitions including speech, horsemanship, ticket sales and photos.  The winner will represent the Oakdale Rodeo throughout the state at rodeos and other local parades and events.

Friday (April 11th)

Timed Event Slack

Start Time: 8 AM

Location:  Oakdale Saddle Club Rodeo Grounds

Price of Admission: $5

Timed events including team roping, tie down-roping and steer wrestling and Women's Breakaway Roping will be featured in this morning’s events.

*Vendors and concessionaires will be setting up during Slack 8am - 5pm and will be open for business during this time.

Barrel Racing Slack

Start Time:  Following Timed Event Slack

Location:   Oakdale Saddle Club Rodeo Grounds

If speed is what you like, don’t miss the ladies of rodeo in their featured event.  Watch these ladies make 3 turns and bring it home.  

*Vendors and concessionaires will be setting up during Slack 8am - 5pm and will be open for business during this time.

Saturday (April 12th)

Oakdale Rodeo Parade

Start Time:  9 am (Rain or Shine)

Parade Route:  Starts on W. F St at Gilbert Avenue, continues down F St towards S. Maag Ave, ending at the SaveMart Shopping Center. 

Price of Admission: Free

Many people from the community come out to enjoy the tradition of the Oakdale Rodeo Parade on Saturday morning.  The parade features: a Grand Marshal, horses, local businesses, bands, classic cars, and much much more!

PRCA 1st Rodeo Performance

Start Time: 1:30 PM Grand Entry

Location:   Oakdale Saddle Club Rodeo Grounds

Price of Admission: Ticket Information:

Be sure not to miss a second!  From the grand entry until the last bull is bucked, this Rodeo Performance is action packed!!!

Oakdale Rodeo Dance

Start Time: 8PM,  ending around midnight (Gates open at 7:30 PM)

Location:  Oakdale Saddle Club Rodeo Grounds- Clubhouse

Price of Admission: $10  (This is a 21 & over event only). Tickets sold at the door ONLY


Party “til’ the cows come home” at our popular rodeo dance.  Each year this is a sell out event.  Featuring live music, dancing and adult beverages.  

Sunday (April 13th)

Cowboy Church

Start Time: 10 AM

Location:  Oakdale Saddle Club Rodeo Grounds-Clubhouse

Price of Admission: Free

This will be a wonderful opportunity to attend church with some of the world's top cowboys. 


PRCA 2nd Rodeo Performance

Start Time: 1:30PM Grand Entry

Location:  Oakdale Saddle Club Rodeo Grounds

Price of Admission: Ticket Information:

Be sure not to miss a second!  From the grand entry until the last bull is bucked, this Rodeo Performance is action packed!!!  Please join us as we continue to wear PINK on this day to support the "Tough Enough To Wear Pink" Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign.